iBank5 App, according to App store is a Gold Standard for Mac Money Management. It is said that iBank5 is the best of the apps with value added features.
Featuring :
- Import and organize all your accounts
- Transfer data from Quicken
- Pay bills online
- Track daily progress
- Powerful report templates
- Manage stocks, bonds and other assets
- Instant generate of charts
People using this app say that it is hard to imagine a world without IGG software's iBank5.
Download Link for iBank5:
According to me, iBank5 Mac App is an excellent personal finance application with effortless to track finances and other investments. Not only future financial status is secured but also daily budgets and reports can be created and edited according to the status of finances.
If you are searching for any Mac app for financial transactions, then iBank5 is the class app for your requirements.
Just thought I'd give you guys a heads up that this site: http://iphone.besaba.com/money-management-app-for-mac-users-ibank5-app-reviews-and-features/ seems to be copying your content.