5 Smartphone Apps for women - most useful in solving their problems

Every one is so busy in their world today that many things people have to do it on mobile itself. Like payment of bills, search for good places for a trip, etc or some like health related issues that an app can solve. Mostly women have some or the other problems to deal with. Everything is again inter linked to regularity in diet and sleep. Also factors like stress and tensions that come without invitation. In these cases, women have to get some information on their Smartphones using the correct applications while they are in office work or so.

If these mobile apps or smartphone apps or Android apps can help them get better information on the finger tips then nothing like that. 

Many women suffer from their gynecological problems, weight problems, ovulation irregularity, obesity, etc. Also if someone wants to know about the pregnancy details and how the baby is growing inside the womb , then this is also possible through an app. These problems will get solved to some extent if there is correct information about the particular health problem. A girl just have to get that app and open it and feed some details in it for the expected results.

To get best results one must find out a best app that can work wonders for you. As there are many who cannot do so due to less time, I have made every possible way to find out the list of 5 such apps that can solve most of your problems that are free. I have taken into consideration, some important problems that women suffer from. If any additions in them, then you can please reply me for the particular apps, and I will search them for you.

Lets have a detailed look of what these apps are and what are the uses of them.

  • Home Remedies : To start with, recently updated app that can help you with some small tips regarding the home remedies for health related problems. Some common ailments like cold, flue, body pain, etc that can be treated at home is helped with the use of this wonderful app called "Home Remedies" . This is a free app that you can get it and install on your Smartphone. The main intention behind using this app is you save time and money for finding perfect medicine that can treat these small      diseases. Main features of this app are listed below: 
  1. Inexpensive
  2. Simple to prepare 
  3. No side effects on the body
  4. Made from herbs
  5. Can cure ailments like acne, hair loss, backache , etc. 
Home Remedies Free app for Smartphone
Home Remedies Free App

          Current version : 2.8

          Requirements : Android 1.6 and later

          Size: 284k

          Free App
          Download link : Home Remedies (free app)

  • 101 Weight Loss tips : Now coming towards some weight losing tips for women who take care about their figure and want to look beautiful and maintain health and fitness. For them, this app acts like a magic or we can say a friend who will guide through the steps for losing weight. You all know maintaining the health today is very important and for that weight has to be kept in control. An app that can help you with weight losing tips, food tips, good foods , etc is a friend in disguise. Isn't it. Now lets look at some of its important features. 
  1. As the name of the app suggests, it give you 101 tips on losing weight. 
  2. This app doesn't require internet connections
  3. Shares information with Facebook users, twitter users, etc
  4. This app will help while you are travelling or when you are having lunch. 
  5. Exercise tips
101 Weight loss tips
101 weight loss tips app

          Requires :    Android 2.1 and later

          Size        :    434k

          Version  :    1.0.0

          Download link : 101 Weight Loss tips App

  • My Ovulation calendar:  Do you know when is your ovulation time? If not then grab this app now. What is Ovulation ? In short it is that period when a women is most fertile. This app will show you when ovulation in your body occurs. The main features of this app include: 
  1. Calculates time for ovulation by just entering some details about the date of your menstrual period. 
  2. Your fertile period will be displayed
Ovulation calculator app
Ovulation calculator app  
          Current Version     : 1.1
          Size                         : 1.2M
          Requirements        : Android 2.2 and later

          Download Link      Ovulation Calculator App


  • Am I Pregnant: This app s nothing but an online pregnancy test. Finds out whether you are pregnant or not. 
Pregnancy calculator app
Requirements           : 2.1 and later

Current version        : 1.7

Size                           : 1.0 M

Download link          : Am I pregnant? 

  • Immunity Boosters:  Want some immunity booster for your health? Get this one. Good health results from the immune system as it plays the key factor in maintaining good health. Protection from all types of diseases from cold to cancer, this immune system has to be maintained and always boosted. 

Immunity Booster App
            Current Version       : 1.6

            Size                           : 131 K

            Requires                  : Android 1.6 and later

           Download Link         : Immunity booster app


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  1. Sterco said...:

    Nice post. Thanks for sharing with us.
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